


A few years ago, our family adopted a 1-year-old Siberian huskies production, we gave it the name Martha princess. Like all Siberian dogs like Martha likes being outdoors, the more the more I like it cold. It is like the coldest winter days, the body curled up into a ball, lying on the snow, swept tail kept him uniquely sensitive areas - the nose. It is often stood up, shook his body, turn a few laps, and then lay back down. Motionless watching its territory. In the hot summer, it's in the house to find one of the most cool side corner, where nap. It stroll nightly routine, it will stretch the body to sleep in the room forecourt yard icy roof.


One summer night, we are sitting in the front yard patio enjoying the breeze blowing gently, I saw a little toad jumped out from the bushes. Then jump down the sidewalk only a few inches away from the place where Martha. Suddenly, Martha stood up to the bird toad mouth title from it, and then return to its resting place to lie down again. We are surprised to see it turned to the sidewalk, open your mouth make that toad jump out. Martha toad sitting in front of both of them seem to regard a long time, and then a toad jumped the sidewalk and disappeared into the bushes.

In the summer, another night, we noticed the same scene. We talked about it, it seems like these Martha toad. But we are a bit worried, because some may be toxic toad. However, Martha does not seem to be hurt, but it never hurt the toad, so we will not intervene. After that, if Martha saw a toad in walking on the sidewalk, it will run in the past, with the nose nudge footmarks little thing until it is safe to jump off the sidewalk back to the grass, was safely away.

The next summer as well. Martha still like to stay in the front yard at dusk from the patio shade. Many times, we noticed a toad on its face a few inches away from the place. Alternatively, we looked at Martha went into the bushes, his mouth a toad, back rest, and then release it. Martha at night will spend more time together, and that frog and toad is also growing.

The third year of the summer, we let Martha the yard, then we saw a big frog jumped out from the bushes, stopped a few inches away from the place where Martha. Martha gently bowed his head, so that it's nose just to touch this frog. We suddenly understood why - maybe that is the same frog! Is Martha and these three are the same frog summer share with you? We call a local wildlife biologist, he tells us, a frog's life has a 3-6 years, so it is entirely possible. Anyway, it seems impossible together two disparate became close friends, so that we really strange, but then we realize: We and Martha are also two completely different species, but it is the love between us very natural. If it loves us, why can not love a frog it?

In the summer, Martha moved a minor, we let it in the house for a time in order to restore health. But it wants to go out every night. One night a few days later, I opened the hallway lights to greet our guests an appointment in advance. When the lights illuminate the front of the hall, I was shocked: Todd (we give that frog to take the name) actually standing there! Staring at me through the screen door! It from the patio full jumped three steps, We conjecture that it is looking for Martha.
Such dedication we can not refuse, we let Martha go out to see its partners. It immediately put into the mouth frog title, and then went down the steps. Todd nose right in there and affectionate with the tip of the nose. Since then, if Martha did not go out for some time, when Todd would not wait for it to come to the door. We will put before dark porch lights on, and made an eye-catching sign on the porch: "Please do not tread toad!"

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